

Our services offering include integrated wastewater services investigations, studies, design, construction management and operational management consulting that address every element of the wastewater value chain and project life cycle. We provide solutions to both public and private sector clients in South Africa and other African countries.

We have a strong capability track record and have a reputation for maintaining high technical standards and successfully executing numerous projects for some of Africa’s largest cities (metro’s), district and local municipalities, water boards, and other government agencies involved in the wastewater value chain.

With our unique African experience, our engineers are fully aware of the challenges due to scarce resources, lack of power, aging infrastructure, limited budgets and skills shortage and have shown they are resourceful in developing custom-made solutions to meet the technical challenges, operational limitations and budget restrictions.

We work with clients across the entire project life cycle, from initial planning studies through final construction and operations and maintenance services, on both traditional and alternative project-delivery options (design-build, public-private partnerships and financing).

The wastewater division offers a wide range of engineering services delivered by experienced multi-disciplinary teams. The services include, wastewater and sewage treatment, pump stations and pressure pipelines, reticulation, trunk sewers and rural sanitation type technologies.

Our Capabilities:

Residential and Commercial Developments, Township and Rural Sanitation:

  • Conventional water-borne reticulation systems, including upgrades and rehabilitations;
  • Dry sanitation onsite systems; and
  • Water-conservancy technologies.

Wastewater and Sewage Treatment Works:

  • Municipal wastewater treatment works;
  • Industrial effluent treatment plants;
  • Water reuse systems;
  • Energy efficiency analysis;
  • Sludge handling and management (dewatering, energy generation, beneficiation and sustainable solutions); and
  • Small community/rural wastewater treatment and pond systems.

Wastewater and Effluent Pumpstations

  • Small and large pumpstations with low and high pumping heads, including all mechanical, electrical and control equipment, surge analysis, materials selection and corrosion protection.

Trunk sewers:

  • Trunk sewer designs and route locations including upgrades and rehabilitations.


  • Environmental authorisation and discharge permits;
  • Waste management license applications; and
  • Water use license applications.

Sanitation Master Plans and Studies:

  • Water services development plans;
  • Metro, District and Local municipal masterplans;
  • Asset management assessments;
  • Green Drop assessments;
  • Private developers bulk services plans;
  • Evaluation of emerging technologies; and
  • Studies using multi-criteria decision analysis tools (including financial cost benefit tools).

Greg Cummings – cummingsg@boschholdings.co.za