
Our services include integrated water services design, construction management and operational management consulting that address every element of the water cycle value chain and project life cycle. We provide solutions to both public and private sector clients in South Africa and other African countries.

We have a strong capability track record and have a reputation for maintaining high technical standards and successfully executing projects for some of Africa’s largest cities (metro’s), district and local municipalities, water boards, government agencies and private developers involved in the water sector.

With our unique African experience, our engineers are fully aware of the challenges due to scarce water resources, lack of power, aging infrastructure, limited budgets and skills shortage and have shown they are resourceful in developing custom-made solutions to meet the technical challenges, operational limitations and budget restrictions.

We work with clients across the entire project life cycle, from initial planning studies through final construction and operations and maintenance services, on both traditional and alternative project-delivery options (design-build, public-private partnerships and financing).

The water division offers a wide range of engineering services delivered by experienced multi-disciplinary teams. These cover the full spectrum of the water sector value chain including water resource studies, hydrology and flood control, river abstraction, dams, water treatment, storage, pump stations, distribution networks, leak detection and water demand management. Projects cater for urban and rural water supply as well as large-scale irrigation schemes.

Our Capabilities:

Planning and Monitoring:

  • Master planning and water services development plans;
  • Water resource planning;
  • Hydrology and hydrological modelling;
  • Asset management assessments; and
  • Blue Drop assessments and water safety plans.

Water Storage:

  • Dams and dam safety inspections;
  • Weirs and abstraction works; and
  • Reservoirs, elevated tank and pressurized zones.

Water Treatment:

  • Potable water treatment plants;
  • Industrial class water treatment plants;
  • Water reuse systems; and
  • Permit applications.

Water Distribution Systems:

  • Canals and hydraulic structures;
  • Pump stations;
  • Bulk water pipelines;
  • Water reticulation networks (rural and urban);
  • Irrigation systems;
  • Hydraulic analysis of water systems;
  • Water hammer analysis;
  • Non-revenue and water demand management;
  • Leak detection and underground services location;
  • Upgrading and refurbishment of existing water infrastructure; and
  • Automation and remote monitoring (telemetry).

Flood and Drainage:

  • Hydrological studies, flood management and flood lines;
  • Flood protection works; and
  • Urban drainage systems and stormwater management plans.

Greg Cummings – cummingsg@boschholdings.co.za